
Where can I buy altwater? 
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altwater is available in select UK retailers across London and the Cotswolds - to find your nearest retailer click here.

You may also purchase altwater online through our shop here

How do I stock altwater in my store? 
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We are looking to partner with retailers in offering customers a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic bottled water in their stores. If you are looking to stock altwater on your shelves and give customers a better choice, please get in touch by visiting our contact page here, or reaching out to us at sales@altwater.co.uk.

How can I get my nearest shop, yoga studio or gym to sell altwater? 
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We would love to know the best places to partner with and stock altwater. If you know a great match to help customers reduce their use of single-use plastic, please let us know by emailing us the name of the business to hello@altwater.co.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

In addition, you can also let the place know directly and request them to stock altwater! 

How can I promote altwater? 
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We are always looking for like-minded individuals, influencers or brands to work with - if you think you could promote altwater to your audience and help spread the message, please get in touch with us here! 

We are working on an affiliate program for influencers where you can directly sell altwater to your audience. If you’re interested in this, please email us at partnerhips@altwater.co.uk 


Where is your water sourced? 
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Our delicious water is bottled at source in the heart of Cornwall. 

What is the pH of your water?
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The pH level of our water is 7 - a perfect equilibrium meaning it is neither acidic or alkaline. 

What is the mineral breakdown of the water?
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The mineral content of the water is completely naturally-occuring, where nothing is added to the water or taken away in the bottling process. The water is naturally enriched with minerals and calcium, giving the water a unique smooth and slightly sweet taste. 


What are your bottles made of?
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Our altwater bottles are made from aluminium, a lightweight and infinitely recyclable material, which was picked as our material to give the altwater bottle a durable and sustainable finish - perfect for using time and time again. 

Are your aluminium bottles safe to drink from?
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Of course! All our bottles contain a BPA-free liner which protects the water from the aluminium, meaning that there is no migration and is 100% safe to drink from, time and time again!

Are altwater bottles recyclable?
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Yes, our bottles are 100% recyclable! Although we encourage you to reuse your bottle as much as possible, once you are ready to recycle your altwater bottle, it can be 100% recycled and can be back on the shelf as another bottle in just 60 days! 

In addition, aluminium has the benefit of being infinitely recyclable - unlike plastic which downgrades after each time its recycled, typically resulting in further waste. The liner in the bottle also does not effect the recyclability of the bottle. 

What makes your bottles so great to drink from? 
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We have spent a lot of time refining the product and producing something we think people will really want to drink from and reuse. Just a few of the bottle features we’re really proud of, and think you’ll love, include: 

600ml capacity. After conducting (a lot) or user surveys and feedback sessions, we nailed down that the sweet spot of bottle size is 600ml. Small enough to be extremely portable, but large enough water to keep you hydrated throughout the day. 

Widemouth opening. Most bottles use a standard 28mm smaller opening, with the altwater bottle we opted for a larger, more ergonomic 38mm opening - elevating the drinking experience further. 

Removable label. We wanted to design our product to feel less like a single-use bottle, and more like a reusable, multiuse product. Given this, we designed our label to be completely removable after purchase, leaving a sleek, minimalist and understated design which you’ll be proud of carrying around. The label is made of a fully recyclable marble composite material.

Whats the difference between an altwater bottle and a reuseable flask?
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The main differences between an altwater bottle and a reusable flask, such as a Hydroflask or OceanBottle, can be summarized below: 

Contains water. Every altwater bottle comes prefilled with 600ml of still spring water, whereas a reusable flask does not. If you’re looking for the convenience of bottled water, but don’t want the waste associated with single-use plastic bottles, altwater provides the solution.

Cheaper. If you want to purchase a Hydroflask or OceanBottle (both great products!), it will set you back in excess of £30 for a 500ml container. An altwater bottle is in excess of 10x cheaper than a reusable flask. We want to offer a sustainable alternative to plastic bottled water that is affordable enough that you aren’t afraid of losing it and taking it out and about as much as you should.

Lighter. An altwater bottle is made out of aluminium, which is far lighter than stainless steel used in reusable flasks - but doesn’t sacrifice on durability and strength (it’s the typical material used to build aeroplanes!). This makes our bottle the perfect portable companion to take on the go.

Are altwater bottles BPA free?
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Yes, every altwater bottle has a BPA-free liner.

What is BPA?
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Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical involved in the production of plastics and is found in polycarbonate plastics - which is what many food and beverage products are made of. There are studies suggesting that BPA seeps into food and beverages from the plastic containers containing BPA. As a result, this exposure can lead to health effects on the brain and prostate glands of fetuses, infants and children. Additional research suggests a possible link between BPA and increased blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Every altwater bottle has a BPA-free liner.

What is your bottle cap made of?
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Although our bottle is made of aluminium, the cap itself is made of a 100% recyclable plastic. The reason we opted for a plastic cap over an aluminium cap was for a number of reasons:

Durability. After countless testing of potential bottles and caps, we found the aluminium caps to be far less durable than plastic, and thus over time would disform and cause water to leak out of the bottle. This would render the bottle non-reusable!

Safer. We found that many of the aluminium caps we tested had quite sharp edges, and thus could present itself as a hazard to children. We want to provide a final product which is safe for all. 

Our ultimate goal is to provide a fully plastic-free solution but for this to happen we need to have a cap which is safe, durable and doesn’t leak. Watch this space, it is something we are actively working on!


Can I use my altwater bottle to drink hot liquids?
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We recommend refilling altwater bottles with your cold liquids only! We don’t recommend putting hot liquids in the bottle, as aluminium is a thermally conductive material and can heat up quickly, meaning you can burn your hands easily if the liquid is too hot. 

How do I care for my altwater bottle?
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Do not place the bottle in the dishwasher or microwave. We recommend to hand-rinse the bottle after each use. 

How do I clean my altwater bottle? 
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Hand wash only to keep the bottle clean! We recommend not to clean the bottle with steel wool or anything abrasive as this can damage the inner liner of the bottle.

altwater bottle graphic in multiple locations

Question not answered above?

Head over toour contact pageand get in touch with us directly!